Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is Myoelectric Prosthesis?

Myoelectric sensors have revolutionized the technology behind prosthetics that allow humanbeings to regain use and function of their most delicate and intricate motor functions. The human foot or hand is the most complex network of nervous sensors and musco-skeletal movements possible in the animal kingdom. But myoelectric prosthesis is not simply about the science behind regaining lost limbs – it includes the human element of confidence and empowerment that makes a person feel capable.

Myoelectric prosthesis ensures that a person with lost arms and legs can use their artificial limbs more efficiently than simple mechanics before. Using stored electric charges, and the sensory pulses of your nerves and brain; these extremely sensitive prosthetics act like your natural limbs. While they may not be functioning to 100% perfection; they do allow you a lot of natural movement! However, a new user does need considerable practice and rehabilitation before using their new body part efficiently.

Myoelectric sensors are equipped to pick up your brain’s signals to your muscles which respond in hand or leg movement. Even after the limb is amputated due to disease or accident; the brain’s process of control and sensory relay remains the same. This is why myoelectric prosthesis is an essential part of amputees to regain natural working lives. While these kinds of prosthetics are undoubtedly expensive; some of the most renowned international brands have begun to sell and manufacture in India. They have made it possible for such high quality myoelectric prosthesis to be affordably available in India.

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