Regal Cigars and Tobacco have been in the distinguished business of trading cigars for over quarter of a century.
Based in the UK, the Online Cigar Shop began as a cigar mail order company. It has now extended its reach to a worldwide audience with the launch of its website, carries a range of cigars, tobacco, and accessories that would appeal to a cigar connoisseur. Cuban and Non Cuban cigars, tobacco, cigar accessories, and pipes are available on the website. Visitors to the website can also avail of promotional offers on various products.
With over two decades of experience in the selling of cigars, Regal Cigars and Tobacco have developed an expertise in handpicking the finest rolls of tobacco and presenting it to enthusiasts. The online cigar shop purchases cuban cigars exclusively from Hunters and Frankau, the sole importers of Cuban cigars in the UK. Regal Cigars strictly procures Cuban cigars that have passed the English Market Selection.
With over two decades of experience in the selling of cigars, Regal Cigars and Tobacco have developed an expertise in handpicking the finest rolls of tobacco and presenting it to enthusiasts. The online cigar shop purchases cuban cigars exclusively from Hunters and Frankau, the sole importers of Cuban cigars in the UK. Regal Cigars strictly procures Cuban cigars that have passed the English Market Selection.
Any product ordered from arrives at the doorstep of the customer in proper condition, no matter where they are located. This is a guarantee. The Cuban cigars shop has built its reputation over the years by successfully satisfying cigar enthusiasts with its quality products.
A visitor to the website will find it easy navigating through the bouquet of products. If any product catches their fancy, they need to simply select the product and pay for it. accepts Master Card, Visa, or Amex credit cards. Payment can also be made through cheques, banker’s drafts, or electronic bank transfers.
The website has a strict policy of allowing only visitors who are aged 18 years and above to purchase products from the site. Once an item is paid for, it delivers to the doorstep of the customer within 2-3 working days. The products displayed on the website are priced in pound sterling and are inclusive of VAT.
Financial transactions conducted through the online cigar shop are completely secure. Server software encrypts all payment details, which prevents unauthorised third parties to intercept the data.
Regal Cigars and Tobacco have a 7-day exchange policy that allows customers to return item(s) and get their money back. The item(s) need to be unused and in their original unopened packaging, accompanied with the receipt or invoice. The company will offer a refund to the customer in a hassle-free manner.
Shopping cigars and tobacco with Regal Cigars and Tobacco is an easy, safe, satisfying experience.
Author: Regal Cigars and Tobacco